Author: Anran Zheng

EuroSAT Land Use and Land Cover Classification using Deep Learning

In this project I implemented deep learning models to solve a typical problem in satellite imaging using a benchmark dataset. The homework was designed to make you work on increasingly more complex models.



Q2.1: Calculate classification accuracy on the test data.



Q3.1: Calculate classification accuracy on the test data.



Q4.1: Calculate classification accuracy on the test data.

Answer: 28.422221541404724%

Q4.2: Compare against previous models. Which model was the "best"? Why?

Model3 preforms the best since it contains more layers of neurons and drop outs, which can make the model more robust and less over-fitting.


Q5.1: Calculate classification accuracy on the test data.

Answer: 53.94074320793152%

Q5.2: Compare against previous models. Which model was the "best"? Why?

Model 4 is the best because it contains CNN, which detects the features of the image accurately.


Q6.1: Describe the model you built, and why you chose it.

I applied a CNN model that contains the Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Dropout, Flatten, Dense because CNN captures the image feature well. I also tried adding more layers but the accuracy rate does not improve.

Q6.2: Calculate classification accuracy on the test data.


Q6.3: Compare against previous models. Which model was the "best"? Why?

Model5 is the best as the accuracy rate enhanced a lot.

Q6.4: What are the two classes with the highest labeling error? Explain using data and showing mis-classified examples.

All classes, espeicially for the label 2 (Vegetation), 3(Highway) and 6(PermanentCrop), are prone to be mislabeled as label 4 (Industrial).


Q7.1: Calculate classification accuracy on the test data.

Q7.2: Compare against results using RGB images.

The accuracy rate using four bands from multispectral images is 63.59259486198425%, which is slightly lower than using RGB image (67.637038230896%).